Hands On Science and Math: Fun, Fascinating, and Affordable Activities for Young Children


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALooking for a way to integrate STEM into your daily activities? Step into a fully functioning early childhood science laboratory. In this edWeb.net webinar for the Early Learning Book Chats, attendees learned how to intrigue and motivate their PreK to second grade students to be super scientists. Beth Davis, EdS, NBCT demonstrated actual activities used in her school science lab at Kids For Kids Academy in Miami, Florida.  This webinar included demonstrations of actual science experiments and covered ways to use low cost or no cost materials in your classroom.  Educators learned strategies to integrate science into the other subject areas and how to manage materials.

Earn your CE Certificate for viewing this recording: Join the free Early Learning Book Chats community on edWeb.net and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar.  Past webinars, presentation slides, and CE quizzes are available in the Webinar Archives folder of the Community Toolbox.

Early Learning Book Chats is a free professional learning community (PLC) that helps educators and caregivers find the tools that they need to bring the joy of learning to young children. The community hosts online discussions that make it easy for educators to stay connected over time with fellow teachers to share ideas, tips and resources. Join our experts for a monthly napinar – early learning PD while your young students sleep! This program is sponsored by Gryphon House.

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