Being a Connected Educator
“I have learned more being on Twitter in six months than in two years of graduate school.”
“The connections I’ve made because I am online are crucial to my success in the classroom.”
“I don’t know what I did before I was connected!”
These are statements we hear every day. Educators from around the world, marveling at the fact that they are connected and those connections carry a great deal of value to them professionally and personally.
Historically, collaboration took place when two or more individuals occupied the same space at the same time and exchanged and revised ideas. It has often been said, “in a room full of smart people, the smartest person is the room!” With the technology at hand today, there are no boundaries of time or space with collaboration. The ability we have to connect and work collaboratively, anytime from anywhere, has moved collaboration from a limited mode of learning to a more prominent position. The technology we use for connecting people digitally and virtually through various applications for connections has given collaboration through technology the label of “connected learning.”
edWeb community, Reinventing the Classroom, held an April webinar on exactly this issue of collaboration and being connected. Webinar presenters, Tom Whitby, retired secondary teacher and adjunct professor; and Steven Anderson, Content and Relationship Evangelist for Promethean – two of the most prolific users of social media – discussed what it means to be a connected educator and how being connected empowers educators to do more and learn more.
Watch the webinar recording to learn more about being a connected educator!
Join the Reinventing the Classroom community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar. The slides, additional resources, and quiz are available in the Resource Library.
Reinventing the Classroom is a professional learning community (PLC) that shows teachers how they can use technology to revolutionize the learning process and the entire learning environment. The community will feature free webinars and online discussions so teachers anywhere in the world can share ideas and resources on reinventing the classroom! This program is sponsored by ClassFlow.
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